Edition #40: Repeat After Me: "I Am Worthy of Self Promotion"

Dear Crone Wrapped!

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Mid-Month Check In

Greetings Valthakai, Capricorns, fairy catchers, swamp witches, and unicorn steak enthusiasts…

We made it! We managed to get through New Year’s, recover from the hangover, and get back into the swing of things.

Some Housekeeping:

While the Crone is flattered you are coming to her for tech support and general inquiries, the Dear Crone advice form is for people sharing personal issues, all other problems can be sent to [email protected].

Furthermore, we are still expanding our YouTube channel, and we heartily encourage you to enjoy our latest video embedded in this edition for your convenience.

We are halfway through Arc 2 of Wanderings of the Crone, and the Crone is currently investigating Priapniorian financial issues in Arc 2, Episode 4: I'm Much Better With Tax Evasion.

Meanwhile, Arc’s Journey is currently sitting at Chapter 9: A Bit of Internal Reflection with Chapter 10 arriving this Friday.

Thank you to everyone who wrote in, especially those who made it into our Dear Crone Wrapped 2024! 

As a fun heads-up, our next YouTube videos will be Interview with the Vampire vs. The Originals | My Takes on Immortality and Polphemus Did Nothing Wrong | Odysseus Has Pretty Privilege (an Epic: The Musical Analysis)



The Crone and Daniel

Dear Crone Wrapped 2024

Daniel’s Current Read

The Fury of the Gods

John Gwynne

Genres: Norse Mythology, Nobody is Having a Good Time Bro, Found Family But Your New Sibling Is a Shield Wall

I’m finally correct in putting this in the newsletter.

In a previous edition, I had mistakenly assumed the third book in the Bloodsworn Saga had been published.

I was met with condemnation, outcries, and corrections that it would only be published on Oct. 22, 2024.

Now, that time is long passed, and I picked up the book, only to discover I. Remembered. Nothing.  

And so I restarted the series, just now finishing The Hunger of the Gods, finally refreshed to actually start book 3.

We’ve got Norse mythology, the deaths of the gods, and a bunch of ship-rowing, sword wielding, divinity-blooded, lunatics.

What more could you ask for?

Dear Crone

An advice column

Dear Crone,

I have a decision to make.

I can either pursue a bachelor of business management degree, in which I'd have the potential to be promoted at my job and make more money etc. etc.

Or, I can pursue a trade, which means I get better pay without having to deal with management crap.

I don't deal with paperwork very well, but I can learn if given the proper time.

But I have a permanent knee injury, which would make trade work difficult (yes it's permanent, no there's no fixing it).



Dear Crossroads,

I can heavily relate to trying to find balance between money and actually enjoying the work that you do.

My concern for you is that trade work might exacerbate your knee injury.

Avoiding paperwork isn’t worth further injuring yourself, especially given that you trust yourself to learn how to manage it.

I would also double check the income cap that you would make in both circumstances.

Trade work can be quite lucrative, but if your business management could see more long term growth, personally, I would follow that path.


The Crone

Darling Crone & Daniel,

I recently had a freak medical event which could/should have killed me & by pure luck or divine intervention it was caught in time & I had emergency surgery & am recovering well!

I am so thankful but I feel like it happened so fast, I was frozen in survival mode & now that I'm healing I'm starting to be aware of & process the shock & trauma of my near-death-experience.

Other than therapy (it's booked) any advice on how to come to terms with this brush with mortality?


Never Nearly Died Before

Dear Never Nearly,

I am very pleased to be writing to you today.

In my youth, I became quite familiar with near death experiences, unfortunately for the perpetrator, I brought them a bit closer than I got.

With that in mind, you are likely to find your mind wandering along 2 different paths.

  1. Everything is random chaos (positive)

  2. Everything is random chaos (negative)

Coming to terms with this experience is accepting the lack of control you had during the events, and recognizing that this does not mean you don’t control anything.  

While your therapist is likely to recommend this, I would suggest strengthening certain aspects of your routine— whether that is carving out personal time to bake, hike, etc.— so long as it is you actively asserting control over your schedule.

Furthermore, you do not need to process this alone, and I would look for a support group to meet with.

Recognize what you are grateful for, and understand that it is irrelevant if it was divine intervention or a random assortment of sapient atoms that saved your life, you’re here.  

Make the most of it.

Death is inevitable, but rarely do people get a second chance to live.  

I’m grateful that you are here.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

I was recently broken up with from my boyfriend of 2 years (right before Christmas).

I think I'm over it to be honest - he was actually horrible and its embarrassing I let that go on for so long.

Anyways, that leads me to my issue.

We have a good family friend who I've known a long time who was in town for Christmas (Hallmark?) this year.

We have always had some type of chemistry between us, and now we are both single.

I don't know if I should pursue this, and I don't know how.


Delusional Hopeless Romantic

Dear DHR,

We’re a little ways passed Christmas but I’m going to treat my response like the only thing that got stuffed was a stocking or two.

I always recommend time to mourn a relationship, but based on your writing, I think it’s fair to say that you’ve moved on.

If we’re going based on Hallmark, you have to invite him out for “hot chocolate”, walk through the snow, and then when he shows his interest, pretend like you’re afraid of commitment.

You’ll retreat to your childhood home, where your mother will share a meaningful story about how she met your father, and you’ll realize he’s the one for you.

I don’t see any issue with pursuing it, and believe you can start with simply asking him out.

If you’re going to be long distance, you need to assess if that is something you’re both interested in, but I say break that headboard when you get to it.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

I am coming into my 4th time trying to finish my degree.

I'm passionate about the subject matter and did very well in the first 30/32 units of my degree, but I seemed to have developed a block.

It's impossible to get a job I want without this degree, but failing this last time would destroy me.

Any advice for how to push through?


Dear Graduate!,

If I am correct, your remaining two units amount to one class that you still need to complete.

To start, you need to appreciate the work that you have already put in; give yourself the credit for those 30 units.

Additionally, keep your joy in the subject in focus, even if these last two units may be the most difficult, they are a path towards a future that you want.

And recognize that it is your choice and within your power to pass this final obstacle.

I can give you a rundown on the best study methods or time management, but that isn’t your issue. Mindset is.

If failing will destroy you, do what it takes not to fail.

Sometimes, you need to have the discipline to just push through it.

You’re allowed to hate every second, as long as you put the work in.

You’re allowed to complain, and bitch, and moan about how unfair it all is, as long as you put the work in.

You’re allowed to put yourself through this, because you’re worth the reward at the end.

Grit your teeth if you have to, and bear it.

You cannot wait for a block to disappear, go beat that fucking block like the life-interrupting asshole that it is.


The Crone

Dear Wise Crone,

I have recently ended my 5 year relationship, due to a number of issues the character limit would not appreciate.

I feel extremely confident in my decision, but there’s still a tug at the back of my mind asking if I’ve made a mistake.

Also I think I may have a massive crush on my roommate, leading me to wonder if I’m bisexual.

What would you advise?

Once I’ve allowed myself time to grieve my relationship, what’s a good outlet to explore my sexuality?

Thank you for your wisdom,

Sad & Sexually Confused

PS I am in therapy already.

Dear S&SC,

To start, sexual curiosity is completely normal, and ensuring you explore it in a safe, respectful manner (for everyone involved) should be your top priority.

That being said, the best way to start probably isn’t your roommate.  

Simply because the last thing you need is to accidentally (and unnecessarily) complicate your living situation.

If you have queer friends, I would recommend explaining your curiosity to them and going out together.

Explore spaces that are queer friendly and see if anyone catches your interest.


The Crone

Need Advice?

Valthakan Wares

Recently, I have been asked when we are releasing merchandise, which means that Daniel has failed as head of marketing.

Because Valthakan Wares has been open for quite some time.

So allow us to inform you (or remind you) that our merchandise makes the best gifts for the book lover in your life.

Sweatshirts, book bags, stickers, and more, all a click away at Valthakan Wares.

“OMG What Do You Put in Your Hair???”

Another question that we receive constantly, though this one typically is asked of Daniel.

If you’re ever curious about the products he’s using— whether that’s hair care, content, or his reading list— be sure to check out our storefront!

The Soft Covers

Because Sometimes Fantasy is Nice

Mythological Retellings

As a warning for today’s edition, this is going to end up in a Hard Covers as well.

But for now, in honor of the Ithaca Saga that has finalized the beloved Epic: The Musical, I wanted to go over what I love when we’re doing mythological retellings.

To put it simply, I like when you can tell it’s a retelling.

There has been a significant muddying of Greek mythological stories, often detracting from the original significance of the myth to make the god or hero in question more palatable.

While this is by no means a malicious phenemenon, it is a wildly anti-intellectual development that arose from very well-meaning if emotionally sensitive individuals.

Don’t get me wrong, one of the most Ancient Greek things you can do is stir up drama, but there is a significant difference between “Inspired By” and “Completely Incorrect Interpretation.” 

I’ll save my examples for the rant portion of the Hard Covers.

But with Epic, like many other retellings, there is a degree of delicateness that is taken to preserve the meaning behind the myth, even if smaller details are changed (like Polites dying!)

It’s a connection to a people long passed, those who filled amphitheatres to laugh, weep, and enjoy the same stories that continue to touch us!

When it is honored, I find it beautiful, when it is… I’m going to say Tumblr-ed, I get a little frustrated.

The whole purpose of these stories is that the gods, like the mortals that worship them, can be as monstrous as, well, monsters (or men). They are cautionary tales for behavior, or metaphors for natural cycles, and many of them are supposed to be uncomfortable.

So what do you think?

Greek Retellings Should...

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