Edition #2: A Worldhopper's Guide to the Cosmere

Welcome to the Rest of Your Life

April Golden Showers

Dear Valthakai, audiobook listeners, and people who cry in every movie they watch…

Obviously I was going to make this pun. Happy April! No, it’s not a joke, time is just a myth and I still haven’t managed to put a dent in my TBR.

It has been almost two weeks since I got back from South Africa, and even though I’m over the jet lag I’m not over the desire to pet a lioness.

I have officially completed the absolute madness that was taking 26 flights over the past 6 months… if I never see the inside of a plane again, it will be too soon (I will be in Anaheim in June). I have trekked farther than the combined mileage of my total ancestry, and my back still hurts from economy.

This month’s edition will be dedicated to the Cosmere and the works of my personal favorite author, Brandon Sanderson!

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting him and his crew (a vast retinue of publicists, alpha readers, and the few people I’m willing to admit may be more into his writing than me) at Dragonsteel 2023, and who I will be seeing again in December at Dragonsteel 2024.

Sanderson’s publishing company, Dragonsteel, was kind enough to gift me with a set of leatherbounds for The Way of Kings and Mistborn, a gift that— unfortunately for my parents— no one else is going to be capable of topping unless someone wants to buy me Warbreaker.

Needless to say, this past month has been incredible, and I am so excited for the direction we are going in. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the Fantasy Fangirls podcast, where Lexi and Nicole graciously invited me to rant about all things ACOTAR.

In honor of my new leatherbounds, this edition’s Books of the Month will be Cosmere themed, highlighting my favorites of Sanderson’s works as well as providing a reading list for those interested into getting into it.

Happy reading!

— The Crone and Daniel

Life Before Death

Strength Before Weakness

Journey Before Destination

The first oath of the Knights Radiant

Daniel’s Books of the Month

Title: Warbreaker

Author: Brandon Sanderson

Genre: High Fantasy, Slow Burn, Girlboss, Ooh pretty, Wait was that Hoid?

The world of Nalthis blends magic, status, and color into a hierarchy where the dead Return and the living worship them.

Follow the story of two sisters, Vivenna and Siri, raised outside the bizarre heathen practices of their neighbors as they are forced to face the world they set themselves a part from.

Meanwhile a mercenary, whose nicest personality belongs to his bloodthirsty (yet lovable) sword pursues his own goals.

All the while Lightsong, one of the godly Returned, searches into the mystery of his past life, and what his true purpose might actually be.

Currently a standalone novel, Warbreaker can serve as a fantastic introduction to the Cosmere.

Title: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

Author: Brandon Sanderson

Genre: High Fantasy, Slow Burn, Why Can’t I Find Love, Trying to Fit In

Welcome to Komashi, a land famous for its never ending darkness, noodle shops, Hion lines, and the horrific nightmares that bleed out from the darkness to prey on humanity.

Luckily Painter is on the job! Until his day-to-day routine gets interrupted by his bizarre relationship with Yumi, a powerful priestess.

They are nothing alike in culture or upbringing, but something brought them together to save their people.

Let’s hope they can figure out what that is!

I have a soft spot for this novel as I was a panel member for its discussion at Dragonsteel 2023.

Regardless of where you are in the Cosmere, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, is a must read. But I find it more enjoyable to save it once you are further in.

Title: The Way of Kings

Author: Brandon Sanderson

Genre: High Fantasy, Found Family, Crying in the Club But They’re Tears of Joy

Do you want a casual, light-hearted summer read?

Well too bad.

Sit down, shut up, and be immersed in Roshar, a world so meticulously detailed you’ll forget you’re not in it.

Humanity has carved out its home among the stone and highstorms of this planet.

Unfortunately for them, the True Desolation comes.

The ancient oaths must be spoken once more, but is humanity worthy?

The magnum opus of the Cosmere, The Way of Kings is an incomplete 10 book series that I cannot recommend enough, pulling together all the incredible details from the rest of its universe.

Cosmere Reading Order

While the Cosmere is understandably daunting, it is important to note that all series can be read individually, that is to say they are fully comprehendible if someone just wants to read each of the books in Mistborn or The Stormlight Archive in order.

However, their interconnectedness cannot be overstated, so if you want to appreciate everything as you read it, I would follow this list:

  1. Mistborn Era 1

  2. Warbreaker

  3. The Way of Kings

  4. Words of Radiance

  5. Edgedancer

  6. Oathbringer

  7. Dawnshard

  8. Rhythm of War

  9. The Sunlit Man

  10. Elantris

  11. The Emperor’s Soul

  12. Mistborn Era 2

  13. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter1

  14. Tress of the Emerald Sea2

Is that a rhino?

My stepsister, looking at a warthog

Dear Crone

An advice column

Dear Crone,

I broke up with my bf yesterday and I am very upset.

He was amazing and sweet and loved me but I need to do some growing on my own.

How can I distract myself from being so sad?



Dear Lookingforareason,

To start, I will commend you for making what was obviously a hard decision.

If you can find comfort in anything, know that both you and your ex partner will benefit from providing room to grow.

Community is always the best remedy to loneliness, make sure you are surrounded by people you love.

And in the worst case you can find vibrators so strong you need to rip them like a lawnmower to start.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

I am in love with a man I have been seeing in my dreams.

I don't think he exists and I don't know anything about him but his name.

What do I do?



Dear Wisteria,

From a neuroscience perspective, the faces you see in your dreams are either actual people OR composites of actual people.

Thus it is likely the features you are seeing ARE real if not entirely in that combination.

So have hope!

Also from a neuroscience perspective, change the batteries in your smoke alarm.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

There was a guy I was interested in until I found out he had his eyes on someone else.

I was over it because he is a nice person that I have to be around everyday anyway.

But then he found out how I USED to feel and it is very awkward. What do I do?



Dear Confused,

The good news is you don’t have to be.

So long as you ARE over it then you can continue to act as you did prior to him finding out.

Frankly whatever his opinion on the matter is, it’s none of your business, nor does it affect you.

Truthfully if you’re in the mood for some drama, acting unbothered by it may actually make him more interested in you, but we can wage psychological warfare another time.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

Is Daniel's sister single and into women?

If yes how do I woo her?


Hopeless Snarky Lesbian

Dear HSL,

Daniel’s sister is attracted to men for some reason, and has decided to throw her lot in with a car guy (I know, I know, he IS nice though).

However if you DO still wish to approach her, I often suggest walking quietly and without sudden movements.

It’s best to have either a bag of items from Sephora OR raw meat to throw in the opposite direction should you need to flee.


The Crone

Dear HSL,

Girl run.



Dear Crone,

I am an internationally renowned singer who recently started dating an all-star football player.

I only read regency era novels, is it bad that I am now living the plot of a sports romance novel?


Twist Farloy

Dear Twist Farloy,

Frankly I have to congratulate you on taking one for the team and actually making football interesting.

Just beware the hockey bros and you’ll be fine… puck bunnies really go through it.


The Crone

Need Advice?
Submit your questions HERE

If anything happens to this character I’m ending it


The Hard Covers

Reconciling Fantasy with Our Reality

Animation vs. Live Action as a Fantasy Medium

Now this is a rant a long time in coming and one that I have made my opinion on not a little bit known.

This edition of The Hard Covers will be dedicated towards why I have such a disdain for live action as a fantasy medium.

To start, we’ll address the biggest hole in my rant: A Game of Thrones.

Obviously, this was a wildly successful, wildly popular, WILDLY entertaining series that remains one of the most well known high fantasy novels of this decade… so long as you forget about season 8 and the Winds of Winter novel we’re never going to see.

But while GoT may have been high fantasy, it’s plot and literal landscape was a very low magic setting. We did not see pyromancers wielding creatures of living flame, nor inhuman creatures that burst into an animalistic form. There were the White Walkers to be sure, but allow me to draw your attention to the final battle and tell me that was satisfying for your expectations.

It worked because the magic elements were so minor, people weren’t watching for the fantasy elements, they were watching for the political intrigue, drama, and to see if their favorite character actually survived the episode. Arguably, reducing the magic elements in the final season is one of the biggest flaws in it.

Now let me highlight Avatar the Last Airbender, we’ve seen TWICE now how a live action loses the goofiness, fun, and charm of the original series. Also if I have to watch one more person IGNORE the martial arts basis of the bending styles I’m going to go insane.

My issue of course, stems from the rumor A Court of Thorns and Roses series being turned into a live action, and you heard it here first, it’s going to SUCK.

This is not me wishing it to fail, on the contrary, I would LOVE for it to be a success, but I don’t think a studio is going to be willing to put in the effort to make the magic as fantastical as our expectations. The latest ATLA TV show had a budget of $120 million… for that.

I think the first step for a live action ACOTAR success would be to cast unknown actors, I can’t handle the suave debonair Fae love interests being Chris Pine or Ryan Reynolds.

But I think another issue is going to arise even if we did do that: the fact that some statements shouldn’t come from a human man’s mouth. Unless we see some next level acting, “Hello Feyre darling” is going to send a shiver of disgust down the spine of everyone watching. I just don’t think you can impose a physical, live action manifestation of something that is supposed to be both a literal and sexual fantasy.

Obviously there is also the issue of the more adult scenes in the novels. However they’re going to be adapted, regardless of medium, is probably going to be disappointing unless they make actual porn.

I find that live action often wants to diminish the fantasy aspects of fantasy series, and then try to compensate with either big name actors, drama, or other embellishment, and it doesn’t work.

If I wanted a normal romantic drama, I’d watch something else, the fantasy aspect— the wings, the ears, the fangs, the MAGIC— is one of the biggest appeals, and that is normally sidelined for the more “adult” material.

Either way, I do wish it success. I’m merely skeptical.

Hopefully I’m wrong!

A very special thanks to our High Lord Patrons

Jennifer S.

Crohnic G.

Lauren C.


Lyndsie P.

Sabrina W.

Elle W.




Isabella G.

Mimmi V.

Kathleen M.M.

Muriel M.

Looking for more?

1  The following are Cosmere but are standalones that do not fully relate to the broader concepts in the above novels… for now

2  Same as above


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