Edition #3: May Flowers Bring Daniel

My Mother Drove Herself to the Hospital 25 Years Ago

In partnership with

May Flowers and Also My Birthday is Coming Up

Hello Valthakai, Tauruses, Taurasi, and those of us in therapy…

It is officially my favorite month of the year, for many reasons.

Number one, if the heading wasn’t a clear indication, it is the anniversary of me clawing my way into the world, pissing and screaming… not much has changed.

I know the subtitle of today’s article is a bit of a doozy so allow me to clarify that the statement is 100% correct. I popped out two weeks early, the grace of whatever Creator ensuring I do not end up a Gemini, and when I decided to make my entrance, my father was at work. Thus, my mother, at 8.5 months pregnant, drove herself to the hospital because nothing was stopping that woman from getting the epidural she deserved.

To defend my father, he is a physician, and while one could argue that the patient would have stayed asleep through the surgery without him doing anything, it probably was for the best he remained in the OR. He still got there in time for me to be born, and I have been punishing him for his hubris ever since.

Additionally, it is spring time here in Vancouver, meaning there’s sunlight, outdoor events, and a general positivity in the air that is a bit hard to maintain under the torrential downpour we get for most of the year.

We have officially passed 2,500 subscribers here, and it is with such joy that I find people in love with the Crone and the novels I love that bring so much to my own life.

Happy Taurus season everyone!

Earth signily,

The Crone and Daniel

Step 1 to Immortality:


The Crone

Daniel’s Books of the Month

Title: The Collapsing Empire

Author: John Scalzi

Genre: Space Opera, Science Fiction, Comedy

Humanity has spread to the stars, establishing itself for future generations as pioneers in science, technology, and engineering.

Unfortunately that’s about to go to hell in a handbasket because people have realized that the Flow— the space-warping pseudo-reality humanity has relied upon for interplanetary travel— is about to restructure itself.

Now will humanity come together as they prepare for an isolation not seen since before we left for the stars?

Obviously not, there’s politics to take advantage of.

Part of The Interdependency series, The Collapsing Empire is the first of this trilogy.

Title: Circe

Author: Madeline Miller

Genre: Mythological Retelling, Screw You Dad

The gods are perfect, or at least, they think they are.

Unfortunately for them Circe figures it out pretty quickly that her relatives are as full of shit as they are of themselves, and so she steps out into the world.

Among nymphs and nature, she meets mortal heroes, adventurers, and develops her talents for spellcraft, carving herself a name in fierce defiance to her own family’s expectation.

A standalone, Circe remains my favorite mythological retelling of any author.

Title: Elantris

Author: Brandon Sanderson

Genre: High Fantasy, slow build, Man Life Sucks, Wait Maybe it Doesn’t

Obviously, no book recommendation I give would be complete without including a title from Brandon Sanderson.

Set on the same planet as his other standalone, The Emperor’s Soul, enter the country of Arelon, a place famous for those of its people who are raised to become Elantrian.

They were the heart of this country’s prosperity, their Aonic runes capable of some of the most powerful feats of magic in the Cosmere… unfortunately it couldn’t save them from their own destruction.

Currently a standalone, Elantris, is an easy-to-grasp introduction to the Cosmere with exciting significance for later works.

Look I love RuPaul but she would sell to Al-Qaeda if they made a glamazon brigade


Dear Crone

An advice column

Hi most venerable Crone,

I’m a gay guy who’s moved around a lot for school and work and now seem to be surrounded by straight friends with no fellow LGBTQ people in sight.

Any advice on meeting gayer friends or does it even matter?


The Wandering Scientist

Dear The Wandering Scientist,

In order to answer your question, I have to propose a different one:

Do you feel as though your straight friendships are fulfilling connections with meaningful, emotionally healthy people? Or do you perhaps feel as though you are missing something?

Obviously it is important to find people that can relate to you in ways that are most important to you, and sexuality can often be a good introductory stepping stone, just like religion, sports interests, or gaming.

But all of these things matter less than the actual quality of the person you meet, at least for the long term health of the friendship.

If you want queer friends because you feel like they would relate to you better, then that is entirely understandable but you may want to also ask yourself why you feel so disconnected from your current friend group.

When it comes to meeting queer friends, I would suggest trying to find a queer social club, something explicitly NOT dating or sex related.

There are volleyball groups, trivia clubs, and of course, Daniel is going to mention pole dancing.

This will be one of those things where you’ll end up stumbling into it when you stop worrying.


The Crone

Dear tWS,

Yeah I’m going to bring up pole dancing.

Seriously, it’s a very queer friendly environment and a great way to exercise!

And just as a warning, queerness for queerness’ sake can often lead to friendships that lack a truly authentic root.

Hence the value in a social activity that is queer + something else.

Boots the house downily,


Dearest Crone,

I met a boy who is just starting his Bmoney Cosmere Journey and he's perfect.

My friend even encouraged me to go after him, but now I've learned she also started pursuing him behind my back. Should I keep being friends with her?


Feeling Like the Defeated One

Dear FLtDO,

This is… certainly an odd scenario.

For closure’s sake you could ask her what is going on?

I find it VERY strange that she would simultaneously encourage you and then also pursue the man.

Is it possible there was some sort of miscommunication involved?

Where is the boy in all of this?

Regardless, if this situation is exactly how you described she sounds like way too much drama to deal with long term.

Nor would I want her near any future partners.


The Crone

Dear Defeated One,


Plunge a Shardblade through her chest.

For Ado’s sake,


Dear Crone,

I was dating a guy for 7 years (I know) before he broke up with me last summer.

I haven’t had to deal with the idea of dating in so long, I don’t know how to start looking for a partner.

Any tips for a 23 year old for getting started again?


Hot But Alone

Dear Hot But Alone,

First off, you’re sending him an invoice for wasted time, and then we’re going to find some new hobbies.

While getting out of a long term relationship always sucks there IS something to be said regarding the amount of free time you now have.

Truthfully, you don’t need to start looking for a partner, you need to start finding things that you like to do and now have the free time to do it.

Eventually, you may meet someone you click with.

At the end of the day, you’re younger than me AND Daniel, and have plenty of time.

Just enjoy being single for a bit.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

I have no idea how to meet someone!

I work, attend lecture, and go to festivals, yet it seems everyone else has "Someone" and I don't.

Tear-stained and lonely,

Aelin’s #1 Fan

Dear Aelin’s #1 Fan,

The good news is: you're not alone!

But the better question is, why do you feel like you need a partner at this stage?

Often times the desperate seeking of a partner gets in the way of what could naturally develop if you focus on yourself.

It seems that you are already participating in the necessary steps: managing your finances, education, and social life.

While it may seem that everyone has someone, I promise you that isn’t the case.

Instead of festivals, which are typically group events, it may be a good idea to find a club or sports activity that you’re interested in, as those tend to draw more single individuals.


The Crone

Dear Aelin’s #2 Fan,

You got this.

But don’t get it twisted.

Fire-Breathing Bitch Queenily,


Hello Crone!

I do hope you are well and have all the Diet Coke you desire.

I was wondering how does one balance the struggle of wanting to do a lot and succeed but also take time for yourself?



Dear Belle!

Kinder words have not often been said to me, and I greatly appreciate them.

What many people don’t realize when it comes to balance is that it is an active process.

There is no such thing as the ideal schedule, there will always be a wrench that gets thrown your way, whether its a positive or a negative one.

As such, you will simply have to be willing to adapt, and not criticize yourself for times that you can’t handle everything everywhere all at once.

There will be days you do a lot, there will be days you do a little, and there will be days you take time for yourself.

And there will be days where you do some or no combination of the three.

As long as you keep the commitments that you want long term, and work for them. You are already succeeding.


The Crone

Need Advice?
Submit your questions HERE


Shallan, Words of Radiance

The Hard Covers

Reconciling Fantasy with Our Reality

Good vs. Entertaining Literature

Obviously this was going to be the conversation I bring to this edition of The Hard Covers.

Naturally this stems from my post in regard to what I can only call “Booktok drama”. Many people took issue with the seemingly endless parade of smut being touted as literary masterpieces on Tiktok, Instagram, and anywhere else our readership managed to exist in.

Like I said before, it is simply an issue of advertising.

Frankly the internet is where nuance and critical thinking go to die, so obviously people missed the satirical, sarcastic, or outright faked worship of many of these novels, they simply took people at their word— for some reason— and were shocked to discover that the sport romance was in fact, sexually explicit and not particularly well written.

I will tangent for a moment to address a concern that was raised in response to my video. In it, I stated that “many of these books are reality show garbage” in that they were deeply entertaining, but not exactly consumed for their intellectualism, plot structure, or quality.

To my absolute surprise, this managed to offend dozens of complete strangers on the internet, so I will state it loudly and in bold: MANY OF THESE BOOKS ARE REALITY SHOW GARBAGE.

I do not care that you felt called out in your own work, or perhaps felt the need to defend an author I’ve never heard of.

Their book probably sucks, and I’m sure I would have enjoyed every moment of reading it.

I do want to actually take the time to commend Caroline Peckham, and Susanne Valenti, the authors of the Zodiac Academy books.

A series I have relentlessly and lovingly ripped to shreds, and to which their response was to send me an ARC of book 9, Restless Stars.

When I say garbage I mean on par with Keeping Up With the Kardashians, so it’s addicting, entertaining, and not at all something I’m looking for when I’m trying to exercise my brain.

If you think a certain hockey romance or ACOTAR ripoff is in fact, literary genius, I can comfortably say you have the literary analytical skills of my fourth grade self.

The good news is: my opinion matters as much as yours, which is to say, it’s worth fuck nothing.

I think the majority of these smut novels are not worth the paper they’re printed on, which is why I download them on my Kindle to enjoy them environmentally consciously.

As a point I have similar feelings towards veganism and golf, and plenty of people enjoy both those things, which is great!

I simply am under no illusions that being entertained automatically implies a certain quality of work, quite the opposite in fact.

Sometimes it is in leaning into the terrible aspects that the book— or any medium— becomes unique in its capacity to entertain.

I will happily and proudly advertise something as “the worst series I ever read, and I read every book so I know”.

If you can see where I’m coming from?


If it offends you?


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These cannabis gummies keep selling out in 2023

If you've ever struggled to enjoy cannabis due to the harshness of smoking or vaping, you're not alone. That’s why these new cannabis gummies caught our eye.

Mood is an online dispensary that has invented a “joint within a gummy” that’s extremely potent yet federally-legal. Their gummies are formulated to tap into the human body’s endocannabinoid system.

Although this system was discovered in the 1990’s, farmers and scientists at Mood were among the first to figure out how to tap into it with cannabis gummies. Just 1 of their rapid onset THC gummies can get you feeling right within 5 minutes!

1  We are not legal advice, nor are we responsible for legal issues accrued due to listening/not listening to this advice column


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