Edition #4: The Crone Harvests Juniper šŸŒˆ

I'm Shvitzing Dammit

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These cannabis gummies keep selling out in 2023

If you've ever struggled to enjoy cannabis due to the harshness of smoking or vaping, you're not alone. Thatā€™s why these new cannabis gummies caught our eye.

Mood is an online dispensary that has invented a ā€œjoint within a gummyā€ thatā€™s extremely potent yet federally-legal. Their gummies are formulated to tap into the human bodyā€™s endocannabinoid system.

Although this system was discovered in the 1990ā€™s, farmers and scientists at Mood were among the first to figure out how to tap into it with cannabis gummies. Just 1 of their rapid onset THC gummies can get you feeling right within 5 minutes!

On the Cusp of Madnessā€¦ and Gemini

Hello Valthakai, air signs, and Netflix bingersā€¦.

The year is (almost) half over! Holy shit!

I cannot believe how time flies when I am trying to read thirty seven different books at once.

Most recently, we wrapped up A Court of Frost and Starlight with the Valthakan Literary Universe, I managed to go to the gym TWICE in a row this week, and got in four separate pole classes.

Needless to say, I am going in to June quite sore.

Summer is slowly eking its way into Vancouver, and every once in a while it goes dreary again, keeping me on my toes.

But the sun is shining more than occasionally, I have Vidcon 2024 to look forward to, and I am almost done with my Rhythm of War reread. What else could you want?

Whatā€™s more insane is that we have received 110 orders from Valthakan Wares so I expect to get tags when youā€™re repping!

Enjoy the sun and take your birth control! Especially cause ā€˜tis the season of sundresses.


The Crone and Daniel


Oops I did it again

The Suriel (probably)

Danielā€™s Books of the Month

Title: Fablehaven

Author: Brandon Mull

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Kid Friendly, Everyone You Love Will Betray You

The absolute pinnacle of kids fantasy (IMO), Fablehaven is 110% the series that set me on the path to becoming such a well rounded readerā€¦

I canā€™t even write that with a straight face.

But yeah itā€™s the reason Iā€™m such a massive fantasy nerd.

Two kids visit their grandparents to discover the hidden world of Fablehaven, and the secret preserves that protect magical societies across the world.

Unfortunately more than a few people think it should be humanity that lives trapped.

Letā€™s see if Seth and Kendra can manage.

Part of a 5 book series, Fablehaven is the perfect introduction for young readers into fantasy.

Title: Sun Serpent

Author: Geneva Monroe

Genre: High Fantasy, Dragon Daddy, Relax Itā€™s Their Human Form, Wait Why Are You Disappointed?, Slow Burn

Look do you want to live your entire life as a trapeze artist or do you want to adventure with the hot guy and his hot friend?

Yeah thatā€™s what I thought.

Follow a path of vengeance and salvation, and the various ways those two coincide or conflict, as Elyria discovers what it means to wield her gifts.

Thereā€™s far moreā€¦ draconic influences to this world than you realize.

Currently part of 2 published books in the series. Sun Serpent is followed by Star Spear.

Title: The Name of the Wind

Author: Patrick Rothfuss

Genre: High Fantasy, D&D tavern, Oh God Iā€™m Too Old For This, Gifted Kid Burnout

If I had a nickel for every time an incredible writer with a beard didnā€™t finish his beloved series. Iā€™d have two nickels.

Which isnā€™t a lot, but really weird it happened twice.

You may not get book 3 but the first two are masterworks of the delicate worldbuilding that will fully immerse you in the story of Kvothe as he recounts his tale, from childhood to glory to broken tavern keep.

What do you do when the hero is weary, but the battle isnā€™t won?

Part 1 of a planned (emphasis on planned) trilogy, The Name of the Wind is a must read for lovers of high fantasy.


I can feel the feminism leaving her body

The Crone

Dear Crone

An advice column

Dear Crone,

I'm about to move and go from being across the US from my parents to being a 90-minute drive away.

I'm their youngest and even though I'm 30, my parents don't respect me or see me as a grown-up.

Any tips for retaining my sanity?


Youngest But Not Young

Dear Youngest But Not Young,

For starters, they do not need to know your schedule, or have keys to your house, etc.

Boundaries are typically passively enforced in these scenarios.

I donā€™t know how likely they are to show up unannounced, but if they try to plan things with you, ā€œnoā€ is an acceptable answer.

You are an adult, so regardless of how they treat you, you can act like one.


The Crone

Dearest Wisest Coolest Crone,

I'm 23 going on 24 in 6 wks (Gemini sun is my cross to bear), and I've never really dated.

My friends are getting married, engaged etc and I feel like I'm falling behind, and it sucks.

Please tell me it's gonna be okay.


Jace (like the Herondale, it was a joke but it's a cool change from the deadname)

Dear Jace,

Happy early birthday!

Dearie there is no definitive timeline for these life stages.

The fact that youā€™re hilariously young is an added benefit.

There IS an in-between period that is different for every person.

Youā€™re not falling behind, youā€™re on a different path.

These sort of things happen when you stop worrying about them.

Itā€™s gonna be okay.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

Iā€™m terrified of the future (in a nonspecific way).

Everything about it sends me into shutdown and I get a lot of pressure to start thinking about the rest of my life post-uni.

What can I do?


A Tiny Speck in the Universe

Dear Tiny Speck,

If your terror is nonspecific, it may help you to start small.

It seems your primary concern is in regard to life after graduation, what steps would you need to take to ease this transition?

Is job hunting your primary issue? Or moving?

Categorizing the basic steps that you will have to handle after you graduate may not help with the general anxiety but will at least give you a direction to proceed in as your graduation date gets closer.

It will be an exciting time for you!


The Crone

Dear Crone,

How do I know if I have feelings for a guy or if Iā€™m just horny?

Divine Comedically,

Young Lust

Dear Young Lust,


If youā€™re still thinking about him afterwards, itā€™s probably feelings.

If your primary concern suddenly becomes where to eat tonight, itā€™s probably horny.

Neither is wrong, neither is right.


The Crone

Dear Young Lust,

It COULD be both, in which case you are suffering from a condition known as horngry.

In that instance you pick what you put in your mouth.

No wrong answers.



Dear Crone,

My spouse and I were both raised in a religious cult.

I'm now out, he still believes.

Our life would improve if he left too but I don't want to push.


Lazy Learner

Dear Lazy Learner,

Truthfully this will be something that you will have far more of an understanding on how to handle than me.

How did you come to realize you need to leave? Is there any replicable scenario that you can bring to your spouseā€™s attention?

Is his membership affecting financial or romantic responsibilities?

Typically these situations require a personal revelation, not an external pressure.

As his spouse, it isnā€™t pushing to bring up valid concerns regarding this, and I would say there is an avenue considering you are still together after you have actively left.

Direct discussion is best, but you will need to be open about how you came to your revelation.


The Crone

Need Advice?
Submit your questions HERE

Itā€™s fine, Iā€™ll just bring it up in therapy


The Hard Covers

Reconciling Fantasy with Our Reality

Characters Written by Opposite Sex Authors

I am very excited to talk (rant) about this topic, because it is one that I have such a lovable passion for it needs more words than what I normally put in a video.

Often times there is the belief that male authors are incapable of writing female characters, whereas female authors excel at writing males.

I bring the good word.

Which is: they both often suck at it.

The clear difference of course, is in appeal.

The stereotypical woman-written-by-a-man (WWM) is merely a sex object, one intrinsically capable of handling all things so as not to burden her male lover, but still somehow needs him to feel complete.

Meanwhile the stereotypical man-written-by-a-woman (MWW) is simultaneously the most caring, kind, telepathic, successful, tall, in shape, hung, and non-argumentative man on the planet, who loves you and gets along wonderfully with your mom.

His is dead, to save you the headache, but luckily she didnā€™t leave him with any lingering michegoss. How considerate of her.

Neither is feasible in any capacity.

No actual woman would behave like an WWM and still need a partner quite frankly, while no actual man would behave like a MWW and have time for one.

It speaks to an interesting difference in psyche that we are seeing.

Where the WWM appeals to a lazy desire for sex and relationships without the demand for labor, emotional or otherwise and the MWW appeals to an equally lazy desire for someone to take care of burdens, emotional or otherwise.

In both instances, the fantasy is unburdening the character you are projecting onto, but because the MWW isnā€™t completely a sex object (heā€™s just good at it, but thatā€™s simply a plus!) heā€™s more palatable!

Additionally, no woman seeks to be the stereotypical WWM, but men DO want to be the stereotypical MWW to some degree.

Dare I say every male wants to be a billionaire, sex god, that can provide and bench press their partnersā€” its a wiring that needs to be channeled properly.

While no women wants to be valued exclusively for her sex appeal, especially if she is particularly competent in some capacity.

The WWM appeals to sexually and intellectually lazy men, while the MWW appeals essentially to everyone in some capacity.

Let me put it this way:

Would You Rather Be

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