Edition #7.5: The Crone is Sweating Through Her Uggs

Seriously What Happened to My Autumn

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Why Am I Seeing Halloween Decorations?

Greetings Valthakai, goths, and people who just want it to be Halloween already…

To those of us on the West Coast, I hope you are taking care in this heat… I was enjoying a crisp autumn breeze, but it seems my pumpkin spice time is on hold.

Some housekeeping for everyone.

To those submitting for the More Tea Please…? section, PLEASE ensure that you either use the SAME NAME as your previous submission and/or provide the LINK to the previous edition with your question.

This will help ensure we get the necessary closure as quickly as possible.

In honor of the Crone’s sleep schedule and the pirate-themed party where Daniel did a surprise strip tease, we wanted to recommend Mood, one of our sponsors for today’s edition.

Furthermore, Anna Chastek joins Our Partners with her work, The Darkest Night. You can find it here or on our website.

Thank you to those who wrote in to Dear Crone, and be sure to catch our Soft Cover on Daniel’s favorite sexy trope: the masquerade.

Finally, I have to draw attention once again to thank people for their interest in supporting The Valthakan Times. It has been so much fun to dive into the best and worst of our favorite series and share stories written by both Daniel and the Crone.

Remember if there’s ever feedback you’d like to share you can reach us through [email protected].



The Crone and Daniel

These cannabis gummies keep selling out in 2024

If you've ever struggled to enjoy cannabis due to the harshness of smoking or vaping, you're not alone. That’s why these new cannabis gummies caught our eye.

Mood is an online dispensary that has invented a “joint within a gummy” that’s extremely potent yet federally-legal. Their gummies are formulated to tap into the human body’s endocannabinoid system.

Although this system was discovered in the 1990’s, farmers and scientists at Mood were among the first to figure out how to tap into it with cannabis gummies. Just 1 of their rapid onset THC gummies can get you feeling right within 5 minutes!

Daniel’s Current Read

The Tiger and the Wolf

by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Genres: High Fantasy, Shifters, You Are My Real Dad and That’s The Problem

Life is simple for the Winter Runner Wolf clan.


Watch the omens.


But Maniye Stone River, daughter of the Winter Runner Chief, is more than a mere wolf.

She is of two bloodlines, and a tiger lurks beneath her skin, a Step away from the form of her clansmen.

As Maniye escapes her father’s plans to conquer the north, more than just war is on the horizon.

The first of the Echoes of the Fall trilogy, The Tiger and the Wolf is the perfect read for any lover of shifter epics.

Dear Crone

An advice column

Dear Crone,

Okay, so I will be marrying my amazing fiancé in a year.

I am super excited about planning, but my family thinks it is stupid to have a wedding and is just horrible when we bring it up.

How do we deal with this?



Dear Anon,

There is a lot here that can be very frustrating.

Is your family opposed to your partner, the wedding date, or the concept of weddings in general?

If your family opposes your partner, that is between you and him. Are they bringing up valid concerns based on past behavior? Or are they perpetuating archaic mindsets?

Ask yourself whether you’d ever want relationship advice from the people in your family. In Daniel’s case, the answer is a resounding “no!”

If it’s about the date, that’s all about you, babes. If you want your wedding during monsoon season, you do it.

If you want to have it in Death Valley at the height of summer? Have an open bar and I’ll be there.

If you want bikini shoots in the Arctic, make it happen!

Lastly, if they’re opposed to the concept of weddings in general… who cares?

If getting married makes you happy (and provides you with very important legal protections), you do it.

Send the invites and let them decide if they want to celebrate with you.

Go and enjoy your day and mazel tov!


The Crone

Dear most excellent Crone (and Daniel),

I'm getting ready to sign up for a music program and I need to submit an audition, but I'm honestly not even sure I want to go.

Should I go for it or leave it alone?



Dear most excellent Indecisive,

I always recommend shooting your shot.

Whether it’s in love, war, or things you may want to do.

An audition like this is excellent practice for when you really want something, and if it’s low-stakes, it removes a lot of stress.

Do it, and if you get accepted, celebrate and assess whether you want to commit.


The Crone

Dear Indecisive,

The only time you shouldn’t shoot your shot is if you don’t have an alibi.

Getting accepted doesn’t mean you have to do it, and if you don’t get it, you have the opportunity to receive feedback (maybe?).

I say go for it.



Dear Crone,

Is there some universal dysfunctional family blueprint or something?

Daniel’s rants about his sister sound like a dramatized version of my life with my own siblings.

Completely oblivious parents included.


He Sounds Like My Brother

Dear Sounds,

Ironically enough, according to Leo Tolstoy, there is a blueprint for happy families.

However, there will always be similarities between sibling upbringings, as just as it is your first time having a sibling, it is your parents’ first time raising them.

Growing up is a learning experience, but so, too, is rearing some crotch goblins.

Sometimes you have to give parents a break because there isn’t an instruction manual, though sometimes, you have to wonder what the fuck they were thinking.

One of life’s little ironies.

Doesn’t matter the planet, doesn’t matter the tax laws, doesn’t matter the species.

Siblings are going to annoy each other.


The Crone

Dear Sounds,

I reject the term dysfunctional and prefer “undertherapized.”

Additionally, I wouldn’t call my parents “oblivious” so much as “a barrier to solutions.”

Thankfully, I had my sister present as a witness to prevent any future gaslighting.

I hope you all know I do love my sister. I just think G-d put us on the planet together for the plot.



Dear Crone,

I have been having a lot of ups and downs in mental health, and I can’t tell if it’s just a phase or the start of a long cycle.

I’m just worried and wondering if there are ways to help with these feelings.


A Rather Lonely Teen

Dear Teen,

It’s important to recognize that your feelings are no less valid depending on how long they last.

The length of time you will feel this way is secondary to ensuring you are taking care of yourself and have a support group.

I understand why you are worried. It’s important to remember that this isn’t your mind betraying you but rather bringing attention to a need.

These needs may be physiological or emotional, and I always highly recommend exploring the avenues available for professional therapy.

Someone licensed and able to guide you through the crests and valleys of your mental health is always going to be better than you attempting to coast through it alone.

Whether the sun shines tomorrow or in years from now, know you are worth it every step of the way.

Your feelings are valid, your concerns are valid, and you are never a burden for needing help.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

My ex said they wanted to stay friends.

Then they bad-mouthed me, including making things up, to all our friends and acquaintances for months.

I recently found out and feel so sad and angry.

Should I address the lies?

Move on?

Plot revenge?


Naive Nupson

Dear Nupson,

There is nothing wrong with assuming the best in people, so long as you believe them when they finally show you who they are.

You can drop them, OR you can make things much, much worse.

You cannot get flustered by the lies. You have to deflect them.

“Oh, [your ex] said XYZ.”

“That’s so strange! I guess now we know why he called me his mom’s name during sex.”

You get the idea. You can’t disprove a negative—the more defensive you are, the guiltier you look—but you can overshadow the bad-mouthing with shit that is way more interesting.

I’m sorry your kindness was repaid this way; sometimes, the bridge is faulty, and you can let it collapse1.

Game on,

The Crone

Need Advice?

Recommended Reading

The Soft Covers

Because Sometimes Fantasy is Nice

Favorite Tropes: Masquerades

Fights scenes are an inevitability in fantasy settings. Rarely will you find a story involving magic that doesn’t utilize conflict to showcase the extent of the system.

And sometimes, the author decides to kick it a notch higher and make it sexy with a masquerade.

Before I continue, I am fully aware of how cliche this trope has become. Still, unlike an accidental pregnancy, I am totally okay with it because it is hard not to be into people in masks… whatever that says about me, stay in your lane. I’m seeing my therapist on Tuesday.

The masquerade satisfies many aspects of a reader’s fantasy: well-dressed and well-groomed associates—removed from the immediate and almost-standard action of the rest of the story, sensual music, and, of course, two characters finally figuring it out that they’re into each other.

This makes whatever cock-block scenario arises all the more entertaining because now, instead of hot people with magic, it’s hot people with magic, but their face is partially hidden.

Why it gets all of us going, I… have some theories.

We know the character is hot, but now they are an even more perfect vessel of projection. They become just that much more of a blank slate for us to fantasize about. Additionally, an author can use a character's mask to nonverbally (nonwordily?) give information about someone.

Attending a masquerade ball is one of my major bucket list items, though I’d prefer not to be attacked by an alien-werewolf-vampire tribrid during the evening2.

It provides the perfect amount of camp to a fantasy setting. We already have the mystery of magic, shapeshifters, and romance, but we need some ambiance.

So what would you wear?

What Would You Wear to a Masquerade

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1  Valthakan Multiversal and its subsidiaries do not endorse shoving people off bridges

2  Depending on what they looked like


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