Edition #8: Wake Me Up When Sep-- Oh Damn

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No, I’m Not Prepared For New Year’s

Greetings Valthakai, challah bakers, apple slicers, and honey cake makers…

September had somewhere to be, and it wasn’t here with us.

The Crone has handled literal time travel, and not even she could keep track of where the hells the time went.

But luckily, time marches ever forward and brings us closer to the next episode of Agatha All Along.

Now for some housekeeping. You voted, and our next Deep Dive theme will be:

Who’s Your Sire?

The Best Species in Fantasy

To my absolute shock, in the last Dive, our beloved subscribers deemed Niklaus Mikaelson “The Worst MFer in Fiction.”

The Crone couldn’t be more proud if she had birthed you herself.

But obviously, that wasn’t going to happen because, you know, birth control.

Given the success of the Valthakan Tiers, I can comfortably promise an increase in the length of our provided short stories. The Wanderings of the Crone will see the most drastic increases, while Arc’s storyline will be tempered to ensure everyone still receives quality Deep Dives!

As a heads up, today’s Books of the Month are pulled from Daniel’s TBR! Which means he’ll get to it!.. Probably?

If you’re looking to donate to a good paws1, be sure to check out the Who Will Let the Dogs Out 2024 Fall Fundraiser, which provides support, supplies, and networking resources to dog shelters nationwide.

Additionally, Brunt is offering a 30-day trial for you to test their work boots. Perfect for Uhaul lesbians, worldhoppers, and people who need arch support.

As a reminder, our Referral Program is active and convincing, coercing, or conniving someone to join our illustrious newsletter earns you a 7-day free trial of our Cronium content.

As a further incentive:

The first five people to net ten signups will earn a FREE Readers Against Pregnancy Tropes Tote Bag.

Lastly, the Crone has worked her magic to get a photo of every single subscriber to The Valthakan Times.

I hope you didn’t blink!

Shana tovah!


The Crone and Daniel

Map of every subscriber

Donate to a Good Paws

I want it all. I want all of it.

Wei Shi Lindon Aurelius, Reaper

Daniel’s Books of the Month

Naomi Novik

Genres: Fantasy, Folklore

Miryem has gained a reputation.

Where her father failed to collect debts, whispers claim she can spin silver into gold.

While initially seeking merely to provide for her family, Miryem attracts the attention of a fae king, embroiling her world with that of the ice-like Staryk.

Secrets abound, and a young woman’s simple life will be challenged beyond her ancestors’ wildest dreams.

A standalone novel, Daniel is hoping to get to Spinning Silver eventually, per his sister’s request.

Naomi Novik

Genres: Fantasy, Folklore

The rule is simple.

Don’t go into the Woods, for we rely on the Dragon to protect us from it.

Said Dragon, a human wizard, enacts a strange price: a women given to him every ten years as a servant.

While Agnieszka fully expects her friend Kasia to be selected, she is stunned when the Dragon makes her pack up her things and move into his tower.

Life will never be the same for her again, and Agnieszka realizes there is more to it than just bravery, beauty, or grace.

There is magic.

Robert Jackson Bennett

Genres: High Fantasy,

From the author of Foundryside, Robert Jackson Bennett brings you to the Empire of Khanum.

People, plants, and animals are magically altered to provide the perfect soldiers, servants, and detectives.

At the edge of the Empire, known as Daretana, a mysterious death in a land full of contagion brings Ana Dolabra and her assistant, Dinios Kol to investigate.

Eccentricities and imagination abound as the pair begin to dissect what should have been the impossible.

But strange things happen when the blood of leviathans is involved.

Fuck. My. Face.

Gabriel de Leone, Empire of the Vampire

Your New Favorite Boot

These boots show up ready to deliver over-the-top comfort on day one without any break-in period. Try them on the job for up to 30 days. If you're not satisfied, return them, no questions asked.

Dear Crone

An advice column

Dear Crone (& Daniel),

Life is great, besides my disappointing (lack of) love life.

At what point do I give up on Iffy Gym Guy (we had a thing, he hasn’t reinitiated) and download an app?

Or do I give up and get a cat?


Sick of Being Single

Dear Single,

The good news is that you can do all of this, and it’s not giving up!

You can get a cat if you can commit to taking care of one (and have a good place to put the litter box), you can download an app just to see who’s around, and you could theoretically try to reinitiate with Iffy Gym Guy.

None of these things are exclusive.

On the topic of IGG, you can test those waters, and his interest (or lack thereof) will become clearer once you communicate with him.

Life can get in the way, but if he’s still Iffy, drop him like you finished a deadlift set.

Given your thought process, you may simply need a change of pace in some form— a new hobby, a new environment, or a pet, though remember some of these are bigger commitments than others.

Vitamin D has a habit of showing up when looking elsewhere, if you catch my drift.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

I recently realized I'm bi, and even more recently shared it with my husband.

Should I worry that this will change how he sees my (very affectionate) close female friendships?

He's a good guy who has always supported my friendships with both genders.


Bi-anxious in Africa

Dear BiA,

It is a good indicator that your husband is supportive of your male friendships, but your worries are valid.

You are introducing a new dynamic in your relationship, one where you are exploring what your sexuality means to you and where your husband is exploring what it means to have a bisexual wife.

This is the time to be more communicative, not less.

And understand that just because he is supportive doesn’t mean there won’t be things that he finds uncomfortable.

And that’s okay.

It means you must assess your and his feelings about particular circumstances and establish boundaries there.

Just as you have your feelings, he will have his, and so long as you work together to explore this new part of your relationship, that is a good thing.

Your sexuality is not an obstacle to the health of your relationship; it is simply a facet of it, and you will learn about it together.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

I’m bisexual, but my family are all devout traditional Christians.

I’m doing my own Bible research, I struggle to see why it’s really wrong.

But living openly bi would destroy my family.

I’m not sure what to do.



Dear Anon,

Many young queer communities will encourage you to “live your truth” and damn the consequences.

I’m an old witch, and I’m not good at telling people what they want to hear.

The MOST important thing for you is that you are SAFE. 

That means that you have somewhere to sleep, you know where your next meals are coming from, and nobody is going to try to physically or mentally harm you.

If you still live with your family, it’s possible that your coming out can endanger you, and I will tell you now that it isn’t worth it.

If you live separately and maintain your personal and professional life, only then are you in a position to come out safely.

Whether that is face-to-face or over the phone is up to you.

Now, in either case, your being openly bisexual would not destroy your family; YOU DO NOT have that kind of power or responsibility.

How your family reacts is up to them if you do decide to come out.

I cannot guarantee that it will go well, and I’m sorry for that.

If you want your family in your life, regardless of your partner, you will likely have to tell them and allow them to decide if they want to remain family.

That onus is on them.

Prioritize your safety and well-being.

And keep in touch.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

I have a friend whose main hobby is trash-talking people.

From her stories, most deserve it, but we can’t stick to talking about other stuff.

Some are my exes or “enemies,” but idk.

We had a fight and are friends again, but I think she shit-talked me too.


A friend’s dubious friend

Dear Dubious,

She shit-talked you. Let’s get that out of the way now.

Some individuals can only exist in social spaces if there’s an “enemy” to gossip about.

And when they don’t have one, they make one.

They can be entertaining, so long as you keep them at arm’s length and understand their mentality.

Trust me when I say the people she discusses will always have deserved it, even you when you were on her bad side.

It’s the definition of fair-weather friends; she doesn’t sound like the type to stick through the hard stuff, but you would know better than me.

This doesn’t mean you must terminate the friendship, but if she has mentioned losing multiple friends simultaneously multiple times, that’s an enormous red flag.

Variety is the spice of life; too much tea overpowers every other flavor.

It doesn’t sound like you missed much conversationally during the fight.


The Crone

Dear Crone,

My estranged mother passed away yesterday from alcoholism.

Dealing with all of the medical stuff out of nowhere after not seeing her since I was 9 has been weird and really hard.

I wasn't able to say anything I wanted to say to her before the end.

How do I get closure?


Grieving in the Mountains

Dear Grieving,

Please know that when I offer my condolences, they are for the child you were and the person you are now.

What I can suggest is visiting your mother’s burial site, if she has one, and telling her everything.

Everything you feel or felt: the anger, the disappointment, the detachment, and even the part of you that may have wished for more time with her.

Closure itself is an ideal and an ideal that rarely occurs.

I say this not to be cruel but to encourage you to forgive your inability to give you everything you needed, whatever that may have been.

You are not betraying your childhood self by grieving. You are acknowledging the hope you had for something better with your mother.


The Crone

Need Advice?

Lucky us

The Crone, upon finding out the hot mafia guy ‘kidnapped’ her

The Hard Covers

Reconciling Fantasy with Our Reality

The Death of the MCs

There are very few ways in which a story completely betrays the reader.

The most heinous, in my opinion, still belongs to whatever bastards first came up with the idea to kill the character that you had been following since the start of any given series.

Each time, you are left scraped clean, like it was your soul that passed on when the Chosen One gave everything for their people.

However, I do find it preferable to the alternative: the death of the character as we know them.

Whether that is amnesia, a loss of power, or being flung away from home with no way of returning, the character should die as we love them instead of living as something we can’t stand… like pregnant.

Perhaps it is just me, but I read for two reasons.

  1. Escapism

  2. A happy-ish ending

In the case of the former, I deal with enough in terms of the Crone’s mortal enemies (HOAs and taxes) and my own psychological issues that sometimes, I just want to see a depressed man with a talking sword battle a crab monster.

With the second, a journey is only worth it if something is accomplished. I have yet to read an entire series where the MC fails at every turn because, at that point, you’re reading from the perspective of a secondary character.

Sure, there are Shakespearean tragedies, but even then, the purpose of the story is the catharsis of the ending. The plot leads to everyone dying, and the MC still accomplishes a few things before eventually succumbing.

It is difficult for a dying MC to have been worth it for the reader because we were rooting for the ending they were fighting for, and now they aren’t a part of the fantasy we had in mind for them.

I can spend an entire edition ranting about the “MC loses their power in the ultimate sacrifice” trope, but I’ll spare everyone for now. What I can say is that killing your MC is especially obnoxious when it is to set up their children for the spinoff series.

Fuck them kids.

So what do you think?

How do we feel about dying MCs

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